Monday, February 05, 2007

The Blog of all Blogs

I have a question to ask all mothers, babysitters & aunties out there in blog land. How often did your kids get sick? I mean really sick? Why do you want to know you are all wondering. Well yet again Phoenix is sick and not just cough cough I'm all better sick either. but COUGH COUGH COUGH gag chock spit up kind of sick. So mom and I spent the night in the ER last night. Phoenix got 4 count them 1 2 3 4 masks to help him breath better and a chest x-ray. If any of you had a chest x-ray done to any of your kids then you know the pure pain of it and for those that haven't let me tell you about it. They put them on a tiny tiny bike seat and then left his arms up way high in the air and then close 2 plastic things around his chest to hold him still. So there he was sitting on this seat thing feet dangling and he starts kicking his legs around. I know it sounds funny cause it was but all at the same time he is crying so that actually cancels out the funny bit of it and breaks your heart. Like really breaks it to little pieces. We didn't get home until midnight and mom had to work this morning.
After we got home he put him in his stroller(that is where the doctors told me to put him to sleep) and he wouldn't sleep. So Eddie was up all night and so was I but that means Eddie can't drive a bus with no sleep so he called in "sick". Which was good cause Phoenix had to go back to the hospital for more tests. He had to get blood tests and a tube up the nose and down this throat to make sure it was clear. Ewww.
The blood test was a blast.. NOT. They couldn't get blood out of one arm so they went on to the other arm. OUCH!!! Mean nurses!. I don't do needles well not even for myself so I left but when I heard him screaming I had to go back in so he knew that mommy was still here( Eddie had gone to find something for lunch).
So all in all and to round out this Blog of all blogs he does not have pheumonia nor does he have bronchitis or asthma,... I know I know What does he have Alli. He has a Lung Infection. Once again. yes did say again. He has been sick 4 or 5 times in the last 7 months.. yes he is only 7 months. So have any of your kids been sick this much or just mine? please let me know.


Blogger Alberta said...

Oh Alli, I don't know what to say, except you must be running on pure emotions.

We were lucky with the girls...Heather had a minor arm wrench ~ 6 years. Lesley had baby dental surgery ~ 20 months and then the big one...the rip from under her knee cap to her panty line. Now the scar is just over her knee cap and hardly me anyways.

I forget which one had impetago, but that healed nicely and the usual measles and chicken pox were nothing major.

I hope the Phoenix is on the mend and you, your Mom and Eddie get a full night's sleep tonight!

7:34 p.m., February 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my poor little baby FeFe!!! I am sooo sorry he isn't feeling well. I wish I was there to help out ( I still remember the technique for blood tests from when I had to hold Nathan for them ) and I am good at the all nighters ( think Tamara, Shannon and sandra ). Hope every one sleeps better tonight!

9:53 p.m., February 05, 2007  
Blogger Lesley said...

I was the one with impetago, no that wasn't strawberry jam on my face but scabs...ewwww!
I've been pretty lucky too when it comes to illnesses. Joseph had dental surgery at 2 1/2 and Alex had a broken arm at 2 and that's about it. My boys rarely get sick, the last time Joseph had the flu was Easter 2 years ago and Alex had it in the early fall...when my dryer quit working. So, that was 2 days of washing sheets and blankets and hanging them to dry over the shower rods until the laundromats were open.
Hope your babe recovers quickly!

11:56 p.m., February 05, 2007  

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