This is there latest one all 3 boys have blue eyes
This is the Family, aren't we cute! lol This is a pic of me at a grounded "pirate ship" with 2 ORBS beside me. legend has it that a lot of people died on that ship even though you can walk out to it, it is only knee deep. The ghost still roam the area.(the pic was not altered in anyway just made smaller to fit)
OOOHHHH!!!!! A smile from Na!!! You know, he is a calculating little guy. He may only be 3, but he knows what he is doing. He always waites till that most crucial moment to break out that smile of his! Krista.
Great pics! It's nice to see the boys/family all together. Joseph and Alex were totally impressed by the pirate ship picture, they love pirates right now, Joseph got the imaginext one for his birthday. I think you're picture makes it more real for them versus just seeing pirate ships in the movies. Did that make sense?!?
I love the photos! We finally get to see the mysterious Eddie!!!
Where is the ghost ship located?
just outside of niagra on the lake
OOOHHHH!!!!! A smile from Na!!! You know, he is a calculating little guy. He may only be 3, but he knows what he is doing. He always waites till that most crucial moment to break out that smile of his!
Great pics! It's nice to see the boys/family all together.
Joseph and Alex were totally impressed by the pirate ship picture, they love pirates right now, Joseph got the imaginext one for his birthday. I think you're picture makes it more real for them versus just seeing pirate ships in the movies. Did that make sense?!?
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