My 3 Sons

I'm very new at this and don't really know what to say. I can tell you about my day. Which as always is very hectic, especially if school is involved which to day it was. My alarm didn't go off this morning so I didn't get up until 815 and scholl starts at 845 but we have to be out of the house by 830 because even though it is across the street it still takes us 15+ mins to get there. Nathan is a slow walker. So I did the only thing I could think of call Jean and see if she could pick up the boys. I wasn't dressed and phenie was still asleep. When Jean was walking up the driveway I was just geting Nathan's underwear on him. He got his first ever Speed dressing, I'm sure there will be more to come. So Zach got to School and Nathan got to Arleens on time. When it was time to pick Nathan up Mom(he calls me mom) was almost late because he was on time. At Around 3pm when it was time to get everyone ready to go get Zach from school Nathan put himself on the potty and Phoenix was napping for the first time all day. So pulling him off the potty getting him fresh clothes(he had an accident) and getting Phenie into his snowsuit. Nathan desided he wants to wear his winter boots,which take a while to get on. When I noticed it has started to rain the rain tuned out to be really HAIL. Nathan refuses to go out into it. Don't blame him but it lasted 2 mins, then done. So All in All today was a hectic day. So Blog you later LoL( get it?) LoL
I love the picture of the boys! I can't believe how big they are. I try and update my blog everyday but sometimes it just doesn't happen, although usually one of the boys does something worth telling everyone about or showing them a picture. Good luck!
Speed dressing - now that sounds like FUN! Photos would be hilarious.
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