What a Sunday Night

Oh what a Sunday. Zach had his annoying voice going and Nathan was not helpful and Phoenix was being a baby( which is ok since he is one). We were making sugar cookies to send to Papa( mom said he likes those kind) and Nathan kept on eating the batter and when the cookies wre done he started to eat them as well. I saved a few those so that's ok. The part of sunday that was CRAZY was that we were invited, so I invited myself, to Eddie's parents place for dinner,just as we were about to head out the door Zach's teeth somehow fell out of his mouth and you guessed it they broke. I know he was suspost to only have them until after Christmas, but that is still over a month away. So he talks funny now and I'm trying not to laugh when he talks but it's hard......I know mean mommy. So if you are wondering what the picture is it is his broken teeth. So that was my exciting sunday.
If anyone knows how to put the picture at the bottom of the page pleas do tell me.
Also Welcome Krista to the Blog world glad you came.
I had a totally good comment and forgot to login and lost it -phewy...
let's see if I remember it all...
Poor Zach - is he distressed without his dentures or is it all fun and games and tongue thrusts?! Joseph is really into the thrusts which makes articulation really suck but we're getting there.
I don't know how to move the picture to the bottom but I just caption everything anyways.
Welcome to the blogging cult Krista - where's the blog?
very much so in distress.
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